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Post Oak Springs Team 
Oct 21st 1867

Maj A. E. Alden
D. Sir
I have been requested by the colored people of this neighborhood to make inquiry about help from the Bureau to enable them to start a School at this place will you please have the kindness to lay this letter before those that can give the desired information. I did not know who to write to at Nashville otherwise I would not have troubled you with this matter. What they wish to know is, Will the F.B. assist them any + also what is required of them. I can say that the colored people are very worthy in this county. They are industrious  and well behaved; and are very anxious for Schools. They seem to manifest a great desire for education. If those who have the authority to act in this matter wish to correspond with any of them in this matter I will name Jacob Brown Col, Wm. Staples, Col,, and Soloman Fedder as the leading men among them. By giving this your attention you will confer a lasting favor on the colored people of this vicinity and oblige  Your friend
E.R. Owing
Address [[image: right pointing finger]]   Post Oak Springs
Roane Co