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Ducktown Tennessee
November 9th 1867

Prof. D. Burt
Nashville Tenn

Yours of the 4th Inst is recd. The Freedman own the school building. They built it last summer on the school property. If we teach in it this winter it will need some repairing.

I have never prevented any one from attending school, although I was satisfied they were not able to pay the tuition.

My tuition is one dollar ($1.00) pr. Scholastic month pr scholar, Those that are able to pay, have authorized Mr. Hy. Jory to retain of their wages to the Amt of about $35 thirty five dollars, Probably it may over run this amt a little, and it may not be so much.

Do not propose to recommend myself but shall refer you to a few responsible men and good citizens. [[strikethrough]] and facts above stated [[/strikethrough]] as regards my character and proof of my statement Mr H'y Jory  Chief Clk Mines, Ducktown Capt. Jos. Wars Bureau Dept Chostand Tenn Capt. A.D. Stone  W.L. McKnight Charleston Tenn my home 

Hoping Mr Burt this may prove satisfactory I am &c
A C Marshman