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Post Office Humboldt
Gibson Co Tennessee
Aug 17/69
Gen. O.O. Howard,
Commr. Bureau R.F. & A.L.
I know not if it be worth the while to address you upon the subject of this letter; but, finding no other resource, I will say we have had a colored School in operation here fir ten months, nearly; part of the time under the Public School law of the State. 
The teacher, a lady sent to us by the Asst Commr of Freedmen's Schools at Memphis, has given satisfaction, not only to the Freedmen, but to the respectable whites of the loyal party. 
Our disloyal people, of all classes, have been opposed to the School, & placed obstacles in its way, throughout. No violence has been actually offered thought often threatened, until some time weeks ago, when an attempt was made, in the night, to burn the residence of the teacher, & her mother, a widow lady,