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citizens cognizant of the facts substantiating what Judge Blackford had decided before. Then as everything necessary had been done to establish his claim, vouchers were sent my father, properly approved for $660.00, which he signed, expecting then to receive his pay. Then the matter was referred to Washington again for a second approval for my father receives a letter from Col. Beecher at Montgomery stating that it had been left to him to say how much my father should receive and offering him $250.00 for his claim. My father very naturally indifferently declined it and Col. Beecher then raised it to $300.00 and sent vouchers to my father for that amount. These my father signed under protest so the matter stands now. It is for you to say General, whether my father shall receive what is justly due him or to be bought off with a paltry sum.

I know that when you are cognizant of the facts, set forth herein, you will order my father to be paid in full $660.00 for that is the amount due him, for a long and arduous duty, that he performed to the government.