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September 18" 68  President U.S. refers case of Albright, who applies for payment for services of his father PT Wright JP as Bureau Agt for Hale Co Ala. March to Sept 64. 6 mos at 100 per mo - 600. States that payment was refused because his father could not take the iron clad oath.

Sept. 18. 68.
Referred to Asst Comr Ala for investigation and report. Referred by A.C. to S.A. Comr. and returned with sworn evidence of Mr. Wright's service - and statement of late A Comr [[strikethrough]] Wilson [[/strikethrough]] GW Pierce that Mr. Wright would have been reapttd could he have taken the iron clad oath & recomdn that he be remunerated.

[[STAMP]] The National Archive of the United States [[/STAMP]]

Rec'd back Bureau Hq Oct 20. & returned AC of Ala to know if the political disabilities of Mr Wright have been removed. Otherwise he cannot be paid. His original employment without such oath was a violation of law.

Referred Oct 24 68 by A.C. Ala to S.A. Comr Wilson at Demopolis for this information.

Rec'd back Bur. Hd. qrs.s Nov 14' with certificate