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Genl Ketchum

Evansville Nat. Bank.
Depts 646 EB 20 Sept 6 1869

Evansville, Ind.
W.209. vol 15'69.  R.F. & A.L.
August 20, 1869

Explains that the deposit made by Col. Runkle in the Fist National Bank of that city was made under the impression that it was a depository and was promptly removed on discovering the error.

Answered September 2, 1869, advising of this reference.


Treasury U.S. 
September 2, 1869

Respectfully referred to the Hon. the Secretary of War, to whom a letter from this Bank, dated the 6th ultimo, relative to the deposit in questions, now referred on the 27th ultimo.
F.E. Spinner
Tr. U.S.

196 - E - W.S.K. 1869.
Neither the First National nor the Evansville National Bk of Indiana are designated depositories for any disbursing officers. The only money reported by Col. Runkle to the War Dept pertains to the Bureau of Refugees F & A Lands.
The letter stated to have been referred to the Secy of War on the 27 ult has not been received at my office.
W. Scott. Ketchum
Bvt Maj Genl

War Dept}
6" Sept 1869}
W #209. Vol 15. R.F. & A.L. 69
Genl Howard

Freed Bureau
Rec'd W.S.K. Sept 6/69.

Transcription Notes:
i transcribed the left side.... you're welcome to the right. Kf i transcribed the right. much obliged. JP