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Section 1st
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama that whenever in any County in this State any person shall be assassinated or murdered by any outlaw or person or persons in disguise or Mob or for past or present party affiliation or political opinion the widow or husband of such person so murdered or assassinated the next of Kin of such person shall be entitled to recover of the County in which such murder or assassination occurred the sum of five thousand Dollars as damages for such murder or assassination to be distributed among them according to the laws of Alabama regulating the distribution of the estates of intestate decedent.

Section 2nd
Be it further enacted that said damages allowed in section one of this act shall be recoverable in the following manner the Claimant shall after the exception of six months from the murder or assassination aforesaid being an action in the Circuit Court of the proper County by summons and Complaint against the County alledging the murder or assassination of such person in said County by an outlaw or person or persons in disguise riot or mob and that it was done at least six months before the commencement of the suit the subsequent proceedings shall be according to the laws of the state and rules of practice in suit between individuals