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See p. 5

General Orders, No. 8. 

Washington, February 27, 1867.

The following Acts and Resolutions of Congress are published for the information and government of all concerned:

I..Resolution authorizing the Secretary of War to transfer properly at Point Lookout to National Asylum for Disabled Volunteers... 1
II..Resolution providing for removal of wreck of steamship Scotland... 2 
III..Resolution providing for payment of Kentucky militia under command of James S. Fish... 2 
IV..Interpretation of Act restricting jurisdiction of Court of Claims to payment of demands in loyal states only... 3 
V..Act to fix the pay of Quartermaster Sergeant of Engineer battalion... 4 
VI..Act authorizing the Secretary of War to purchase property adjoining Alleged Arsenal.. 4 
VII..Resolution authorizing the Secretary of War to purchase David's Island... 4 
VIII..Act to establish and to protect national cemeteries... 5 
IX.. Act placing Judge Advocates upon the same footing as other officers of the army... 7 


I..[Public Resolution-No. 6.] 
JOINT RESOLUTION authorizing the Secretary of War to transfer certain property to the National Asylum for Disabled Volunteers. 
Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the National Asylum for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers not having obtained title to land at Point Lookout, in Maryland, as contemplated in the twelfth section of the approved March twenty-first, eighteen hundred and sixty six, establishing that institution, the Secretary of War is hereby authorized, at his discretion, to transfer to the said National Asylum any of the property considered appropriate and useful for the objects of that corporation. 
Approved, January 29, 1867