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[[2 column table]]
|   | Page | 
| --- | --- |
| Edmondson, John A. Transmitting Check No. 6358. Asst. Treas. N.Y. $553 75/100. Repairs School house, Franklin Aug 3/69 | 20. | 

| Edmondson, John A. Returning deed of lot for correction. Mt. Pleasant Schools house. August 6/69 | 24 | 

| Edmondson, John A. Forwarding a set new Voucher & Sub Voucher for signature. Sept 14/69 | 78 | 

| Edmondson, John A. Transmitting Check No. 7085. to $294. Repair Mt. Pleasant Schoolhouse Octb 5/69 | 110. |  

[[2 column table]]
|   | Page | 
| --- | --- |
| Gleames W.D. Returning church deed. Bureau can not aid in building churches Novb 11th 69. | 189. |

| & [[?]] Gellert Henry Transmttg Check 19. F N B Nashville $158 04/100 for mileage & services. Febr 1/70. | 270. |

| Gamble & Co. Transmttg Check 20 F.N.B. $13 53/100 for stationary Jany 187-. Febr 1/70. | 271. | 

| Graimes Mrs Mary. Forwd again Blank Report for Febr with instructions. March 11/70. | 302. | 

| Graimes Mrs Mary. Stating that this Bur did pay $10. (1 mo. rental) in her favor to the F.A. Sec. May 19. | 362 & 63. | 

Transcription Notes:
per SI instructions do not use ^[[ - superscrpit should not be indicated