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[[2 column table]]
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| Herd, Jos W. Requesting information regarding the delay of reply to correct granting $250. Alexandria Aug 2/69 | 18.|

| Herd, Jos W. Transm'ttg Duplicate Contract for materials in erecting sch-h. at Alexandria Tenn. $ Aug 11th 69. | 33. |

| Hatfield, Rev. E. F. Transmitting Blanks for Reports of School Buildings owned etc. Aug 16/69 | 35. |

| Herd, Jos. W. Transmitting covered Contacts & Vouchers for school house Alexandria Aug 21/69 | 38. |

| Hatfield, Rev. E. F. Asking whether his his Soc. will send teaches to the old places occupied last school year.  Sept. 1/69 | 52. |

| Herd J. W. Transmitt'g Chk 6955. for $250. favor of Bone & Co. Repairs at Alexandria, Tenn. Septbr 25th/69. | 97. |

| Hatfield Rev. E. F. Informing him that the approval of rental a/c of his Soc. is delayed. Oct 12/69 | 132. |

| Hatfield, Rev E. F. Asking list of Teachers Names & P.O. Add, employed by the Presbt Com of H.M. in Tenn. Oct 18/69. | 142 |

| Horton Maggie. Forwarding Blanks and stamped envelopes to secure school Reports. Oct 20/1869. | 149 |

| Hatfield E. F. Returning School Reports. Requesting assistance to secure reports from his teachers. Nov 10th/69 | 186 & 87. |

| Hale Wm. Bureau will ref. in the sch-h at Freehill, Washington Co. if the lot is properly deeded. Nov. 10th 69. | 190. |

| Hartupee, G. H.  Informing him that the deed for Lafayette school has been forwarded with request of $300. July 22/70 | 264. |

| Hartupee, G. H. Informing him that $300 are granted for Lafayette school house, he may call to make contract. Feb. 2nd, 1870 | 272. |  

| Hatfield, E. F. No information regarding pay of teachers of Public Schools can be given. March 11/70. | 305 & 6. |

| Hubbard, G. W. Requesting him to call at the office to settle Miss Tayler's affairs. March 22/70. | 318. |

| Hartupee, G. H. Application for McMinnville is made. Are the $300. available? March 24/70. | 323. |

| Hatfield, E. F. Miss Doulass a/c is approved but Miss M. E. Taylors is stricken from the schedule. April 1/70 | 333. |

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| Jones, Jeremias. Forwd'g Teachers Blank Report for February 10. with instructions March 11/70. | Page 362. |

Transcription Notes:
I don't see the need to transcribe this in table format.