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July 22nd  9

Josephine Shaw Lowell
Secretary N.Y. Br. of F.U. Com.
North Shore
New York

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 14th inst with its accompanying enclosure.

Enclosed therewith forward Vouchers for the rent of the building used as a school for Freedmen of your association at Cleveland, Tenn, which you will cause to be signed by the duly authorized to receive and receipt for monies due the said Association and return it to this office for approval.

Accompanying the account you will please transmit a request signed by the President and Secretary or one other officer, showing that ([[?]]) is authorized to receive the money due, and receipt for the same.

Very respectfully
Your obedient Servant.
C. E. Compton
Bvt. Lt. Col. U.S.A. Supt of Education

Transcription Notes:
no idea what is said in the parenthesis.