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July 31st 9.

Ellen Collins 
Treasurer NY. Branch, A.F.U. Com
No 97 West 11th St.
New York

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 27th inst. with its enclosures. In    reply thereto I respectfully request that the certificate required and referred to in my letter of the 22nd 
may be transmitted to this office.  Existing orders requiring a copy of the same to be taken and filed before the approval of the vouchers by the Superintendent.

An early attention to the above will facilitate as well as hasten the settlement of the rental accounts for State of Tenn. and your association.

Very respectfully
Your obedient servant
C. E. Compton
Bvt Lt Col. U.S.A.
Supt of Education

Transcription Notes:
parts of the image are difficult to read, but looks like the transcriber did a good job