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0076 39 August 21, 9. J. M. Kirkwood, Esq. Supt of Public Instruction Henry Station, Henry Co. Tenn. Sir: I have the honor to notify you that I am authorized to spend the sum of three hundred ($300.00) dollars to aid in the construction of a school house for colored people at Henry Station, Henry Co. Tenn. You will please cause a contract to be made between Bvt Lt. Col. C. E. Compton U.S.A. Supt of Education Bu R F & A L for the State of Tenn. and some responsible party, for the furnishing of material required amounting to the above sum. Be careful to specify in said contract the articles and prices of same, i.e. so many feet of lumber at so much per ft., so many pounds of nails at so much per lb. &c &c &c. Forward duplicate copies of said contract to this office for approval and signature and the necessary authorization will be sent you for commencing the work. Very respectfully Your obedient servant C. E. Compton Bt LtCol USA Supt of Education