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Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Office Superintendent of Education
Nashville Tenn. September 16 1869.

Mr. C.C. Carpenter
Supt. Lookout Mountain Educational Institutions
Lookout Mountain Tenn.

I have the honor to inform you that your application for an appropriation from this Bureau amounting to Five hundred (500-) dollars settees and work needed for furnishings for your school rooms has been approved by the Commissioner. 

I am directed to make this expenditure for permanent fixtures (not for removable articles) and to take up and account for the same on my property returns.

You will please cause duplicate contracts for furnishing the articles originals to be made out and forwarded to this office for approval. One contract may be made between myself as Supt of Ed. Bur R.F.& A.L. State of Tenn. and Mr Paul, furnishing it. State the number, kind and price of the several articles.