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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen & Abd Lands.
Office Superintendent of Education
Nashville, Tenn. Octbr 4th 1869.

John Eaton, Esqr.
Superintendent of Public Instruction, State of Tenn.
Nashville, Tenn.

In reply to yours of Sept 18th 1869, asking for a memorandum of the total monies expended by this Bureau in the State of Tennessee for educational purposes, I have the honor herewith to furnish you with the following items.

Bureau Expenses for educational purposes:
in the 12 months from Jany 1866-Jany 1867  $12270.49.
in the 6 months from Jany 1864-July 1867 5231.61.
in the 6 months from July 1867-Jany 1868 10283.19.
in the 6 months from Jany 1868-July 1868 18741.76.
in the 6 months from July 1868-Jany 1869 11895.03
in the 6 months from Jany 1869-July 1869 47923.44.
Total expended. $106,345.72

In answer to your letter of Septr 20th 1869: Requesting the items of moneys expended by northern benevolent societies, I regret to state that these figures have never been recorded in this Office.