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November 19th 9.

Capt. Wm. Boyd
Agent Nashville and Cairo Packet Co.
Front St. Nashville, Tenn.


I have this day been notified by the chief Disbursing Officer Bu R. F. and A.L. Washington S. C. that here is an account of the above company in his office, ready for payment accounting to #35.00/100.

Will you have the enclosed certificate showing who is authorized to receive and receipt for monies due the company, previously filed up and signed by the President and Secretary of the same and return to this office as soon as possible.

Upon receipt of the said certificate by the Chief Disbursing Officer a check for the above amount will be sent.

Very respectfully
Your obedient Servant
C E Compton
Bvt Lt. Col. U. S. Army
Supt. Ed. Tenn.