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November 20th  9.

Rev. Wellington E. Webb.
Sec'y Prot   Epis'l Com. of Home Missions to Col'd People.
No 10. Bible House N. Y.


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 1st inst. with the schedule of Schools and rental afc  for the Orphan Asylum of Memphis Tenn. for the period of ten months ending on the 3rd day of June 1869 and to inform you that the same has been examined at this office, found correct, and transmitted to the Chief Disbursing Officer of Washington for settlement.

I would further inform you that no reports of this school have been received at this office, for the month September and October 1869.  Will you please notify the teacher at Memphis Tenn that it is important that this report for those months and for each thereafter should be forwarded for information of the State Supt of Schools Bu RF+AL at Nashville Tenn.
   Otherwise a delay in the settlement of the future rental afs will occur.
Very Respectfully
Your obedient Servant
C E Compton
Bvt Lt Col USA Supt Ed