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December 3rd 9.

Rev W. B. Rankin
Supt of Pub. Instruction
Greenville, Greene Co Tenn.


I have the honor to notify you that your application for One hundred and twenty five (#125.00) dollars to aid in the construction of a school-house for Freedmen in the 13th Civil District of Greene Co. Tenn, has been approved by the Commissioner.

I herewith enclose you a blank contract (in triplicate) which you will please have filled up by the full, furnishing the materials as indicated by the penciled memoranda.  Please have the same properly signed and sealed in the presence of a witness and return the same to this office for my signature.  In the penciled memoranda I have merely entered  the several amounts to indicate the manner of entering the materials in the contract.

Very respectfully
Your obedient servant
√ C.E. Compton
Bvt Lt Col. U.S.A. Supt Ed
Tenn √