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December 18 g.
M. J. W. C. Bryant. 
Supt. of Public Instruction
Decherd, Franklin Co. Tenn. 

I have the honor to transmit herewith  enclosed Check No. 7878. on the Asst. Treas. of the U. S A at New York for Fifty ($50 00/100) dollars in favor of Sam'l Brazleton for repairs on the Joe Brazleton School House near Winchester Franklin Co. Tenn. 

Please cause the enclosed receipt to be signed  and returned to this office by Mr Brazleton without delay 

Very respectfully 
Your obedient servant 
C.E. Compton 
Bvt. Lt. Col. USA & Supt of Ed.

Transcription Notes:
Decherd is still a town in Franklin Tenn.