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January 15th 70

Miss J. Starkey
School Teacher
Humboldt Tenn
I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your communications of the [[illegible]] inst and have delayed reply thereof, that I might report something satisfactory regarding the payment of your salary for the five months herein of the latter part of 1869.
I am informed that an immediate apportionment of about $400,000 will be raised upon the [[illegible]] population of the State from 1869. this will provide the funds for the payment of the indebtedness to Teachers &c to the close of the year, 1869.
Of course you will make sure to receive your certificate from the County Superintendent of your appointment and showing that you have conducted the school during the period requested. Now this the office of County Superintendent is abolished these evidences will or presented to the County Trustees, and will be paid as soon as the funds are available? by them under 


Transcription Notes:
Miss Jennie Starkey