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Bureau Claim Agency
Johnsonville Tenn
Nov 8th 1868

Coln Jas. Thompson
Asst Bureau
State of Tenn

De Sir

I have the honor of introducing the bearer of this Mr. Amos E. Barnes at present teaching the Col'd School at Johnsonville, in obedience to Verbal Orders you gave me while at Nashville. I sent a communication to the Directors for Common Schools in this District, turning over the School to them, they have not yet rec'd it and I am writing their action before making a report of it, in the mean time Mr. Barnes will give you a history of his mission here, he has done all he can to get a good & large School. He has now 30 Scholars, but outside influence has been against him from the fact that they could not use him as they wanted to, the Directors will not pay or Employ him. he is here without means and I suggest the propriety of his going to Nashville and Laying the case before you, had I known when there that the Infamous Skinner was at work again I would have spoken to you about it while there. Mr. Barnes will give you an account of his propositions
