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All the money that has ever been made by tuition has been expended in purchasing the lots connected with the building; in putting it up, & keeping it in repair &c. Besides this, which has been at least $400 yearly, there has been expended yearly in support of teachers, and Pastor, who is Superintendent also of the School, $2100. Nor is this all, yearly gifts in clothing, money, & other things amounting to several hundred dollars, have come to the school, & been distributed amongst various denominations, as has been the case in tuition.

We have received some favors from the Bureau kindly granted us. We hope these stoves, & Pipes if any, will be amongst the gifts of Government which has been saved a large sum, comparatively by the support of the Presb. Church given to this School.

Yours very Respy. John R. Agnew - Sup't.

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