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Charlotte Tenn oct 28th [[numbers crossed-out]] 1868

Mr Thompson Dear Sir I take the presant opportunity of writing you a few lines to in form you how we are geting on our School are on foot and doing well at this time our Teacher are doing well pleased at this time only we want a Stove very Bad they are know Stoves here that we can get and we will be very happy if you would send us one down to White Bluff and we can get it Broght from there we do not care if you Send us a old one just so it is a Stove we are not able to Buy one we are very poor here we Colored people I Speak of the School Room we have to pay forty dollars . . . $40 per year it is not floored but a little over half way and if you will Send us a Stove we can make out you See our condishion
The Name of the Committe Bord
Thomas Bowin Howard Luck Nathan Bonnin Edmon Gunerway Boss Colliar
D A.W. Hawkins  Dixon-