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423  Bureau Refugees Freedmen & A.L.
Chattanooga, Tenn. Dec 7th 1868

James Thompson
Bvt Lt. Col. U.S.A. & Asst Comr
Nashville, Tenn
I have the honor to transmit herewith Teacher's Monthly Reports, of colored schools in my District, so far as I have received them. 
Blanks were forwarded to the teachers at Cleveland Bradly Co. and Athens McMinn Co. on the last day of November, but have not been returned. 
The Colored schools in this City have opened with an attendance of about 150 scholars, and will be embraced in the Report for December. 
I am unofficially informed that colored schools have been opened by County Supts of Education under the State School Law, in the counties of Marion, Rhea, Meigs & Polk. I am unable to give the number or the condition. There is a very good school in Cleveland Bradley Co. also in Athens McMinn Co. Each having an average attendance of about 100. I have visited