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Pulaski Oct 7th 1868

Col Jas Thompson
Dr Sir
I recd yours the 25 ult & handed it to Mr White our Supt who told me since that he had written to you on the subject I will just state here that our schools have not assumed any complete arrangements yet under the state authorities Our School Directors say that & they don't know how much funds there will be set apart for this Dist therefore are not willing to enter into any permanent arrangements with teachers more than instructing them to go on with the schools & what ever funds that may be appropriated will be divided Mrs Clark & myself have been examined by our Supt ever since last Spring & I hold a certificate of the highest grade & hers two grades below yet I fear they will do us but little good reaping any benefit from the school fund unless the law is fully complied with. Again I am told that we will have to wait until the end of the Term before any money will be paid for services rendered. This we are not able to do as our pecuniary circumstances