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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 
[[strikethrough]] Office General Superintendent Schools[[/strikethrough]]
Washington, D.C. Nov 4th 1868

Rev. S.C Logan
Pittsburg Pa.

In reply to your inquiry of 31st.ult. I am directed to inform you that rent will be paid on buildings owned or rented by your Board for freedmens schools amounting to ten ($10) dollars for each teacher commissioned and employed by the Board.  You will please send a memorandum every month to this office, giving the situation of each building, and the rent charged per month making the whole sufficient to pay ten ($10) dollars to each teacher employed, when a check for the amount will be forwarded to your address with proper vouchers for your signature. Please also enclose a certificate giving number of teachers of freedmen under commission by your Board, and the average number of scholars taught by each.
