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[[2 columned table]]
| Questions |  Answers |
| --- | --- |
| Name the location of your school | ans Rural Hill Maury Co Tenn |
| Of what grade |  mix |
| when did your present session commence | Jan th 11/69 |
| when is your present session to close | March th 31/69 |
| is your school supported by any Educational Society  | no |
| Is your school supported by a local school board  | no |
| Is your school supported wholly by the Freedmen | yes |
| Have you had Bureau as transportation this term | no |
| Who own the school building | The Freedmen |
| Is rent paid by the Freedmen Bureau | no |
| What no. of Teachers and assistants in your school | 1 | 
| Are they white or colored | Colored |
| Total enrollment for the month | 34 |
| Male | 16 | 
| Female | 18 | 
| no enroll last report | 00 |
| no left school this month | 1 |
| no new scholars this month | 34 |
| What is the average attendance | 30 |
| no pupil who pay tuition | 26 | 
| no white pupil | 00 |
| no always present | 30 |
| no always punctual | 28 [[strikethrough]] 27 [[/strikethrough]] |
| no over sixteen years of age | 8 |
| no in alphabet | 00 |
| no who spell and read easy lesson | 17 |
| no of advance readers | 17 |
| no in Geography | 12 |
| no in Arithmetic | 12 |
| no in higher Branches | 5 |
| no in writing | 12 |
| no in needlework | 00 |
| no Free Before the war | 00 |
| have you a Sabbath School | yes |
| no teachers in your Sabbath school | 4 |