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Humbolt March 3d 1869,

Col Palmer,

Sir I did not receive the Blank report till this morning. My school is not large now, the large Scholars are all at work and will be till about the first of July, and then I will have quite a number again. I am waiting for the Free School to commence. Dr. Stilwell says he is not postive about us having a Free School at all this year. We need one very much, the people here are very poor and can not pay for School. I am teaching for fifty cents a month, for a teacher and they cannot pay that all the time. I have not yet rec'd all of my mony from the State Dr. Stilwell can not tell when I will get it. I want it very much for I get very little from the school now. I get along very well with my school. I have never been molested in any way, but we have no Society at all, the people treat me with respect in the Street, but they do not