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Union Hill, Tenn. Apr. 23rd/69.

Maj. Gen. O.O. Howard,
I have been teaching here since Jan./68. and was commissioned by the Bureau. Though my reports were sent promptly, after receiving, blanks yet by the negligence of some one my name was not on the list-sent in for pa. Consequently, I received no pay from July 1st/68. to Nov. 1st. I was here most of that time and kept up the Sabbath School and temperance meetings. In Sept. & Oct. I also taught regular day school. Is there no way by which I can obtain that which is justly due to me? If you can aid me in this you will greatly oblige. Address Miss E. W. Douglas, Care of Rev. John Scay,
Lebanon, Miss.
Very Respectfully
E.W. Douglass.