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for its object. Therefore it was that so much devolved upon me in the way of collecting funds. 

My prime object was to educate young men for the ministry  But in order to that, I found that they needed not Theology only - but English education in the most comprehensive sense.  It is my conviction that no one is really prepared to expound the Scriptures who has not sufficient training and general knowledge to teach successfully a good English school.  I soon perceived that for some generations preachers would not be supported among the colored people, but men might obtain a livelihood by teaching.  This being the case, and as teaching is more in harmony with preaching than any other pursuit, I saw the necessity of educating the young ministers to be also school teachers.

The plan was therefore enlarge, so as to embrace any others who desired to pursue such literary studies as the young men were drilled in.  As there need no provisions in this district for the education of either race; to accommodate the public & primary department has been opened in our school.

I am persuaded that the Institution thus begun will be permanent and will grow to large dimensions.  There is no other institution of the kind among the [[strikethrough]] 's [[/strikethrough]] Baptists this side of the Alleghany mountains.  Our location is accessible