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as the Thompson chapel at the Methodist school, with rooms for the accommodation of students in the second story.  If furnished with such, a building we could turn our present chapel into a school room, and that purpose it would answer well.

I have had strong prejudices from my early youth against government patronage in matters of religion and education.  This is the reason why I have not earlier presented our cause.  But seeing that it is the policy of the government to grant liberal aid in such enterprises as I am connected with, I feel that it is no more than just that that aid should be equally distributed.

There is no reason why the Methodists should be aided and we not - for those who profess our views among the colored people are as numerous as those who adhere to them; while the Congregationalists - represented at the Fisk University - are unknown among the Freedman.

In view of what has been done for others - in the name of the people whom I represent - and for whom I labor - I ask that you will be pleased to grant us such addition to our premises as will enable us more successfully to accomplish our mission.

I have the honor to be your most obedient servant.

D W Phillips

[[stamp]] A.C.O. BUREAU R.F. & A.L. TENN. Rec'd Nashville MAY 31 1869 [[/stamp]] 

T 16 RF&AL Vol 14 '69.

Transcription Notes:
first word, building, on previous page