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| Orville T Andrews Principal Col'd School of the N.Y. Br. Am. Freed. Un. Com. | Cleveland, Tenn. June 3rd 1869. States that School building constructed at Cleveland Tenn. by the aid of an appropriation of $350.00 from the Govt. is not large enough and requests that the Bureau appropriate $150.00 more, to fir up the basement of said building for use of the Primary Department. States that the N.Y. Branch Am. Freed. Un. Com. can give further information if desired. |

| 1st Endorsement. | War Department. Bu. R.F. & A L, Office Genl Supt of Schools. Washington D.C. June 7" 1869. Respectfully referred to Bvt Lt Col C.E. Compton, Supt of Education, for the State of Tenn. for investigation and report. (Signed) J.W. Alvord, Genl Supt of Schools. |

| 2nd Endorsement. | Bu. R.F. & A.L. Office Supt of Education, Nashville Tenn. June 19" 1869. Respectfully transmitted to the Comr Bu R.F. & A.L. Washington D.C. I have personally visited and examined the property referred to within (Cleveland, Tenn.) and respectfully recommend that the sum solicited (One hundred and fifty dollars) may be expended in material to repair the school-house. I am assured that a gratis portion of the labor will be performed gratuitously by the colored people. (Signed) C.E. Compton. Bvt Lt Col U.S.A. Supt. of Education |

| 3rd Endorsement. | War Department. Bu. R.F. & A.L. Washington, June 23rd 1869. Respectfully returned to Bvt. Lt. Col. C.E. Compton, Supt of Ed. Tennessee Approved. By order of Bvt Maj Genl O.O. Howard Commissioner (Signed) E. Whittlesey A A A Gen'l |

[[left margin]] True copy of Seller & Endorsements J.F. Cleghorn 1" Lt. and Bvt. Capt. U.S.A. [[/left margin]]