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race ought to be helpt so they could educate thare children we [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] ought to have 2 houses in this County at least in Alexandria & Liberty or in Smithsville and the other in Alexandria. I will be down to see you soon Let me hear from you on the Question of help for the Col at Alexandria as they have bought the Lumber of Mr. Bone and I sent his bill he will give them 10$ in the Bill all the citizens of the town are in favor of them to get the house where it is now located. We will start some more school soon. There is a Teachers Association in Smithsville meet once a month on 2nd Satarda in July next is the next meeting We get up some 25 to 40 Teachers and have a fine time political matters is not known in all hour school matters all going as I think right as you can see what I am doing from this ask your ansour and your will much oblige the Col of DeKalb Co.

yours Truly
Jo W. Herd
Supt pub. Instruction
For DeKalb, Co.