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business. Eliza came today - Tessie has gone. E. seemed so delighted with the place, she has had a boil & looks quite played out- dear faithful soul! She likes the rose [[breezes?]]. Cherries & peas are most delicious. Tell Kath I was so glad of her letter, & Cecil is gloriously happy & well - she knows it of course. Lots of announcements now. Commencement is coming on. Uncle Will says he does not want me to ask Hetty or the others for they would think they had to come. Bessie is at Atlanta.
Love from us - E-

[[top margin]] I have the outlook & I thot you would like Uncle Wills. 
[[/top margin]]

Wed. June 8th

Another glorious cool day - roses & cherries & laurel & some woodsy smells.

Miss L. coaxed Uncle Will up on the sofa & then she & Eliza rolled him in front of the open door - looking out on to the big chestnut tree - by this means we kept him out of bed longer - he said just now he felt very comfortable -. Tom ask about walking - he takes about three steps with help

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