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Friday, October 15, 1875. 

Worked very hard in kitchen after breakfast wrote note to L. Redfield explaining charges for lessons. Spent nearly two hours making chicken salad for Dominic & self. Never made it before. [[?]] but quite a success at tea Went to town after dinner & bought materials for L. Douglas' drawing, also class book writing paper and this book. Stopped at J. Prewets for photo of Aunt Em to make xmas present for Uncle W. Took first singing lesson of "Crit" Dr. C. Mrs. C. and Miss F to tea spent evening got very sleepy. D told striking anecdotes of war at tea. A tolerably easy day.

Saturday, October 16, 1875.

Went in pouring rain this A.M. to give L. Douglas a lesson at nine & half oclk. Mrs Foster was lovely. L.D. ugly but pleasant and drew nicely. Very pleasant room and good light. 
Stopped raining after lesson so went down to 11th & Locust for the second time after this racks. Man out, No go Walked up again to T. Blacks for [[?]] oil. Very tired. Made side view of all I did after dinner. Gr reading "L. Borgia" from Littell. Went up to my room lay on the bed and wrote "F_ F_". Fell into a pleasant doze. Fixed my hair got tea. Note came from L. Redfield saying increase of charge made no difference Mr. Whitney not going to take of me. Sewed and sang after tea. [[?]] [[?]] [[?]] - Saturday evening. Was lovely to us all. Rather nice day