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Sunday, October 17, 1875.

A very good lesson from Dr L. in the morning. "Good ground". As usual my thoughts wandered, but I heard a good deal. to my profit, I wonder? J.D. did not speak to me at church, nor at Sunday school, which was shorter than usual so that we might go to the opening of the new m. S's room at 41 & Market. E & I went, she with the scholar, I with four. Children liked my new-mark-book. Had very very nice Sunday school. Aunt Em had cold and neither she nor I went to church This P.M. Dr C. sick-headache. Crit preached very good I thought. No Sam tonight = Uncle W. played first hymn and went home. This is his last Sunday night. An ordinary day. 

Monday, October 18, 1875,
Went this a.m. with K.D. to spend with Miss Whitaker. Beautiful place on north Penn R. Drove all the morning. Leaves turning beautifully. Walked after a very nice dinner through their woods, and gathered some lovely leaves. Came down on 4.26 tram. J met us at eighth & Chestnut. Looked just as usual. G.M.A. came and talked to me in the cars. Found Aunt Em pretty seedy with her cold when I returned, at dark Uncle W. and E. came home from a call at the Billin's. He is not going for a week longer. He brought home a nice book about mythology. S.T.S. came in the evening, and was lovely. I hemmed E's gray silk sash, and chatted with him. A very pleasant day.