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Monday, October 25, 1875.
Went to town early to give L. Redfield the lesson I missed on Saturday. Perhaps Mr Whitney will take lessons of me after all. Was feeling badly after lesson and in a hurry to get home to my stone, but went down to Madeira and bought E. a little knife for birthday tomorrow, also a nail-brush at Newbolds on the way home. Uncle W had forgotten to put up stone so Aunt Em had to "boost" it up for me. Had great trouble to get it all fixed. Had picked up dinner in The Kitchen. Aunt Em, Aunt El, and Uncle W went to Riverton, and came home as we were finishing tea. Mrs Laurence & Crit came, also J & E. Rusett  Pleasant evening. Crit sang beautifully. Rather weary day.

Tuesday, October 26, 1875.
Uncle W. took G. Aunt El & Aunt Em to C. Buildings and got in a carriage and [[?]] [[?]] at 10½ AM. I had to get the dinner which was to [[too]] refined on account of U.W.'s coming home to dine. Made pudding which turned out badly as they came home late and dinner had to wait. Did'nt do much on stone. U.W. & Aunt Em went to town. Calls. Uncle Johns to tea etc. Made up my mind all of a sudden to go to KD's for over night. Found he'd gone to M-town. L. & Mrs. S. glad to see me in Cleveland. Sang all the evening with L. R came in with J- at ten. He sympathized with us all about [[U.W.?]]. Quite a jolly though weary day.

Transcription Notes:
Not sure all the words are correct, and have a few I can't figure out.