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Tuesday November 2, 1875.
Slept last night in the studio as Aunt Em's room was too odorous for her and she slept with E. Was much better this morning. Bland came & to one great delight tiled Aunt E's floor and she & G. went to town to choose paper for dining room. Drew till dinner time. G & E.L.B. came home triumphant with pretty samples of paper. They had also chosen us such a black silk! Our first! A dollar and sixty two a pack. They came home and we are delighted with them. Had note from M.J. saying she could not come this evening but would come next week. Had a jolly evening, [[?]] reading T.R. When L.K.B & Will came in - Mother & Charly a minute afterwards. A surprise
to see him. "Mother's" birthday. So-so day.

Wednesday November 3, 1875.
Felt badly but went to market and to give L.R. her lesson. Was so sick on the way that I was obliged to stop at Cousin L.'s. Dinner in the kitchen. Sarah and Nicky came and cleaned dining room for painters. Finished first fossil. Uncle Will's steamer arrived safe at Havana. Rec'd a box by mail. Anonymous Great excitement when opened. Contained a stocking of my own done up in fresh leaves. W.L.B. the culprit I know. Finished Aunt Em's n. book Tea in dismantled d. room. Stormy. None of us went to church. Finished Miss. drawrs.
Stupid day.

Transcription Notes:
REOPENED!! Punctuation needed and indents taken out. Reviewers - please check for these things before Completing the transcription. Will fix.