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Sunday November 14 1875
Has not been a profitable day though
we had two good lessons from Dr. C.
My thoughts wandered. Mild day.
Found the dead batch not up and could
not get in when we came home this
A.M. Had to send Celia into the R's
to get in by G's window. W.L.B. came
as usual. I kissed my hand to him out of 
window. Did it do any good in S. school
except urge [[?]] to go to church. Sam
walked home with me. Was very
nice. Asked if he might call and take
me to church. E went to Aunt S's to inquire
about hats. J [[?]] came & she & E. had
long confab in studio till dark. It poured
but cleared off in beautiful moonlight. I
tried to take a nap but couldn't. Sam
came early to sing- a very pleasant day

Monday November 15 1875
Drizzly day. Did morning work and
drew camel till dinner. Two Aunties
labored over entry carpet. Aunt Em
made famous curve for 2d story entry.
Drew again after dinner and practising.
I took Celia to town for hat. At four
stopped drawing and went to work at
lower stair carpet my share of work.
Was just finishing and very tired & 
in awful quill when M. Janvier came.
I had not known whether to expect her
in the rain & was dreadfully sorry
not to be ready. Fortunately E. had
been home long enough to fix the room.
M.T.J. was very sweet & nice. Had a
quiet evening & talked when we
went to bed till one o'clock on many 
subjects. Rather nice day.