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Monday November 22 1875.

Woke with unpleasant feelings of suspense & trepidation on account of anticipated visit from Cope & Sin - at ten Dressed & fortified myself for them but felt pale when they drove up. Criticised the drawings but in a very kind way. Gave directions for correcting & left me rather miserable. Honey
came just as we were finishing din
& I was beginning chick- salad.  We persuaded her to stay & [[?] the Copes spent the afternoon making salad & was very tired when I came to dress- while dressing a note came from Sin enclosing $75.00 for fossils! [[?]] Em & J.P. came & all the Cope party. Delightful but too short evening. Sang a great deal of the time. They were never more delightful. Latterly delightful day.

Tuesday, November 23, 1875.

Rained & Honey stayed all day & entertained us muchly. Spent morning correcting drawings doing up stones & fossils. Practiced after dinner with Honey. Express man came for things for Sim & brought another stone for shell plate that I am to do. Sewed shirts till dark & Honey read to us & made us laugh to kill. We were to have gone in the morning to Crits with Sam to singing class. He came but we did not go as it did not clear off. We sang in the evening myself - badly - Honey acted. Hamlet in scanty chimise & her skin & acted Ghost when we went to bed Almost too tired to laugh but it was very funny. Rather tiresome day.