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Friday, November 26, 1875.

Expected to go to the city make calls & go to the Guillôn's to dine. It rained & we did not go. Swept the studio, & Etta our room. Started Annie's cats [[appears to be scribbled out]] dogs but did not enjoy them and trifled shamefully. Gulled puzzles etc that L.L.B. & P.D. had given me. Dinner & quarrel about oyster-pie which G, would not let us have. Behaved badly. Drew again of the practicing & went in pouring rain to Crits. Had nice lesson showed off to Mrs Lawrence who was there. Came home in dark through torrents changed clothes, had tea & passed a very sleepy evening. Finished "Testimony of Rocks" & sewed buttons in my new gloves. No one came. Tiresome day.

Saturday, November 27, 1875.

Cleared off nicely & we decided to meet the Guillôn's & go to call on Miss C. Lyman way up town. Started to walk new gloves split & had to come home and get another pair & ride instead of walking. Market St bridge not near done though. They said it would be today. Fraud funeral or lying in state of V. Pres. Wilson at State house. Immense crowds & pomp but did not see it. Miss Charlotte was out. Left [[nils?]] & Guillôn's cards. Went there to dinner then home as Cousin Julia had sent us word she was coming to stay over Sunday. Lovely as ever. Holly Schenck came but was rather hab-a-da-boyish. Tried to make cravat for Papa but did not succeed. Have not studied S.S. Lesson. So.Today.