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Saturday, December 4, 1875.
E. sick.  Printed fossils came from Sin I don't think they look well. Rather rainy. Wore E's waterproof. Stayed too long at Redfields & got home late. Drew beginning of shell plate till dark. Did some mending & to our delight Emmie. Jr. & B came up to Tea. Aunt Em came home from town with Miss Hettie in carriage & Trip & I howled at Muff from window. I got tea after we three had chatted a while & sewed blue skirt flounce after tea. Was in high good humor. Will came after Em. Had nuts & apples & fun. Our sweet little kitten is not to be found. Emmie has given Aunt El lots of sachet orders. Rather nice day.

Sunday, December 5, 1875.
Have not heard from A.S.M. or dogs. Cloudy day. E. did not go to church. Had rather late breakfast & could not make bed before I went. Sermon about Dives & Lazarus. Was very cold in heart and only half-attentive. Will came up as usual & said he thought he had seen the kitten on the Prevosts pavement. Begged him to take it home if he saw it again and I would go down for it after S.S. which I could not do as it rained. Children very sweet but I do not do my duty with them. F.F. not there. Sam asked after Etta and that is all I have spoken to him today. Aunt Em  Papa & I went to church in rain  
This P.M. I am not there & very few people. [[?]] day.

Transcription Notes:
There were over 10, maybe more, [[?]] left on page. I reopened and got most of them. Also fixed up some other mistakes.