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Bible reading at Dr Misstrol.
Jan 30. 77

Christian Selfishness. 
Nautilus. Leans given out for one own enjoyment. Cannot work "serve" till the chains are thrown off. Our weak part not as weak as God is strong - fear of self is sin in one house . God has put a work in 
these [[?preivus]] hand of your which no one else can do if you have it most one it never will be done by any one else. You have been walking
in a circle - a lost man always in a circle! When I find myself as 
worldly as [[?Trugne]] tied as cowardly at the end of me you as at beginning I am walking in a circle The nearer one got to the Fight The more the moths are seen no because of more moths. Does all creation grow and lift our souls up to Christ Look to it on your knees and see if you grow. Dont talk about religion talk abut Christ. Service done for the glorification of self. At the end of the day Christ will ask us what we have done