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Ther.    MON. APRIL 16, 1906    Wea.
Vatican. met Miss Sina Mitchell.  rest and & to. Villa Borghese. with Fitchie oth. Saw The Titian. Best of all - [[?]]

Ther.    TUESDAY 17    Wea.
To Tivoli with the Mitchells & Fitchie.  Wonderful day.  Villa d' Esté. Back. late & happy. To Miss Cochrans in eve with D. Met Mrs Megnell & two men.

Ther.     WEDNESDAY 18     Wea. 
Morning at Palatine very full & weary. Saw St Paul's dungeon  Shopped afternoon and packed. to go. Fishers begin case. Many goodbyes eve.

Ther.     THURS. APRIL 19, 1906     Wea. 
Off to Naples. 
alone. good bye to D. Long tiresome journey but beautiful. Naples cleared off but heaped in Vesuvius dust. no sight of vol. in clouds. Nice little English [[?]] Drive about.

Ther.     FRIDAY 20     Wea. 
Spent A.M. hair shampooing by neapolitan youth after lunch. to museum for ony [[only]] two hours --- at five-thirty by bus with things to steamer. and "The Chieftain" got in. I wrote in eve. and he came in and spoke.

Ther.     SATURDAY 21     Wea.
off at 5. up to breakfast. Beautiful day. Found unknown reading on upper deck. Did not speak - nor in afternoon  still lovely weather. Was walking before dinner when he joined. In eve walked up and down in front of me.

Transcription Notes:
Friday and Saturday still need doing