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Ther.   SUN. APRIL 22, 1906   Wea.
Room changed to upper deck. was sitting on
upper deck when he came and sat by. no name
yet. showed. map. & went over his route
again in afternoon after dozes in sun. long talk. Eve. walked alone.

Ther.   MONDAY 23   Wea.
Wonderful day. beginning to pass Spain & Africa. Did not see me A.M. when I came up. Band. playing. sun. well. joyful
moment. showed matador photos. Afternoon late came. I read Heracles aloud. Very jolly - after din. met at my door rail all eving— 

Ther.   TUESDAY 24   Wea.   Gibraltar.
Got up at five 45. to see off and land - said goodbye & gave card. "My name is Campbell". walk in sunshine and flowers
at "Gib". said goodbye in presence of Burns. Last of good days . . .

Ther.   WED. APRIL 25, 1906   Wea.  

[[written across two diary dates]] Why remember these days . . . [[/written across two diary dates]]

Ther.   THURSDAY 26   Wea.  
Aunt E's birthday 
Her last. 
August 30th

Ther.   FRIDAY 27   Wea. 
The Azores.
Pretty good day
Wrote to Geo Seymour and John Lathrop.