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Ther.     THURS. MAY 10, 1906     Wea.
Green Alley once more. H.G. & Katrine saw me off. I did lots in S. & got out at 11. Found Harris bag. Busiee [[busy]]. Then plus every thing going. Water on & B. came at 6.30. Pretty comfy.

Ther.     FRIDAY 11     Wea.
Slept in Aunt E's room. Did some work in st. getting ready. Canvas etc. Erica to telephone  A.P.A... Nothing far out. Cold. John P. Jr. came safely & is set up.

Ther.     SATURDAY 12     Wea.
Drew John P. Jr. all day nearly. clean in up in interval. No sign of life. as R.R. roof being painted - went and load in lanterns I Postal fr Canadian

Ther.     SUN. MAY 13, 1906     Wea.
Made composition all day nearly. good. Ready alive & every thing going. well to be alone. H.C.S. did not come till eleven more. I sat up. but not till he came  light in st bath tub.

Ther.     MONDAY 14     Wea.
Long morning. got carpenter at Sinklers to alter stretcher. H & J was tad over it. well done. Nap and did not do much after. Bag at fence H & J kerosene swamp nice eve by fire Talk.

Ther.     TUESDAY 15     Wea.
Long morning. Break out at fr outdoor. I worked all day at head. H. did books. Din on terrace. Letter fr Lathrop. H. & J drove to Gloucester and he left. very tired