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Ther.     TUES. MAY 22, 1906     Wea.
Chas. G. came and took away straw in tram. Work all day. & dug herb garden H.G. came. so glad bed early. Fire in studio. Parlor floor being done.

Ther.      WEDNESDAY 23      Wea.
Break. out. front long day. H. posed for arm. Painter doing Aunt E's room. B cleaned brasses. Big [[meal?]]. letter fr. A.W. Harry better  much relieved. Fire in [[strikethrough]] dining room studio [[/strikethrough]] dining room.

Ther.      THURSDAY 24      Wea.
Break in wood. H. posed for other arm Hard fight. Ness came. dug around vines & watered. Shower. Crissy came. H & S by fire talking of G. Meredith.

Ther.      FRI. MAY 25, 1906      Wea.
Got up and fixed room for A.B.
Damp but break out. Bushee here doing shelves.  H. posed again for hands. Frame came. all day at J.P's. Crissy to plant cedars and willows - Cherry blossoms out. [[Shade?]] dont [[grove/gone?]]  B. cleaning my room. A.B. did not come 
H. went.

Ther.      SATURDAY 26      Wea.
Bushey here, & Chas G.  all AM. doing ashes in puddle. I worked hard  Tel fr A.P.A. asking to come to lunch. Now till two looking tired but had lovely time. Lunch on terrace. Crit coat. At 6 came again and I went there. Mending. holy water - garden Otis. Serenade at 2. Mowed

Ther.      SUNDAY 27      Wea.
Painted all day. At 12 William and Otis. Dug around vines. Din. alone
Was in cloister before din when A.P.A. & Eggleston came. Painted and got Lia ready in studio. 6 came, jolly time. Rainy.

Transcription Notes:
Hard to read! -->seems to be a friend or handyman named Bushy or Bushee doing tasks for the household