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K. left with A. & all the bags
Ther. Fri. June 15, 1906 Wea.
[[??]] worried about tt.
Telegraphed Jim - [[? E's?]]
room & all ready and 
almost went to Beach[[then?]]
Very tired. McCarty came at 2. did fence & he watered - Killed large snake, in flower bed. Hedda came.

Ther Saturday 16 Wea.
[[Super? outing?]] beaches 
and ordering lunch for tomorrow. [[?]] from R.R. offering to take me in. First telephone Kathleen [[?]]. 
Long [[?]] drive in did shopping. [[?]] Greek Play with Mr Wright - rain. Late Picked up A.P.A at [[?]] Came in and [[?]] [[?]].

Ther Sunday 17 Wea.
Pouring, but got ready for party. A.P.A for a moment or two. Schofield - for an hour admiring home. [[Then?]] Hills. Good but slow lunch. A.P.A. to coffee. Then all to R.R. [[?]] All off together. A.P.A. back with me & [[?]] again with [[?]]. Fam. came to R.R.

Ther. Mon. June 18, 1906 6 Wea. B.
Tel to Mrs A. and learned that A. had gone to B. Unnecessary. [[?]]. horrid day ending by going to B.
[[?]] . Bad cold horrid. [[?]] [[?]] & to bed very early. [[?]] up at 6.

Ther.  Tuesday 19 Wea.
[[The? party?]] Conducted by lovely Cecil. [[?]] [[?]] but got [[?]]. Tired but [[?]]. Took C. out to Rocks and had good talk about H. He would go to his [[?]].

Ther. Wednesday 20  Wea.
Cold bad.
[[?]] Nutting AM. and getting ready all day for Child & Coolidge Busby finished seats in Cloisters. J.T.C. came at 5.00. Miss C. at 6 - Very [[?]] till Joanna [[?]]. J.T.C. kept me up till 11.45. Very mad

Transcription Notes:
Too hard to read.