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Ther. Mon. July 9, 1906 Wea.
Louis Weyle to breakfast long time. [[?]] no bath. In aft. Louis W. telephoned asking me to go out in eve to [[?]] yacht. went in launch at 7.10 He came with nice boy named Child. Long time

Ther. Tuesday 10 Wea.
Tel from A.P.A. saying could [[?]]-[[?]] - but [[?]] would bring V. in eve. Furniture fr [[?]] came. Sent away.
Not nice, almost spoild by J. Saved by A.P.A. Victor in studio.

Ther. Wednesday 11 Wea.
Furniture. no painting [[?]] helped [[?]]. Perfect morning. B[[?]]. C[[?]] 3. Miss Russell & then E. Clarke [[said?]] [[?]]. Then J.T. Coolidge A.P.A in studio to [[?]] Victor. Long time. Coolige at J's. Wrote in eve. Looked for Seymour  Three times telephone.

Ther. Thurs. July 12, 1906 Wea.

Ther.  Friday 13  Wea.
Break in living room.
There work calling out
dancing. hotting.  Got
with A.B &J and [?] my son. Hood [[?]] pain down. J.L. a.p.a. Jo [[??]] Ron [[+?]] Curtis Hopkinsons. May Mrs.P [[?]. at 6. [[??]] over house [[?]] in [[cloister?]] [[??]] a.p.a.

6 Ther     Saturday 14      Wea.
[[?]] [[?]] brooke aT L. [[?]] window. [[?]]. Expect. In H.S. all day. - Both with J. leap  ilus Hale aud [[?]]. Painter [[?]] - [[??]]. 
Sup alone. aT 8 Tel for H. [[?]] at 4 ills [[busted?]] down. [[??]] Tomorrow.

Transcription Notes:
a couple hard words to read out i did my best for the next person.