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Ther.     THURS. AUG. 2, 1906     Wea.
Aunt E. ill. and H. sleepless. 
Sent for M.D. A. & I all night with Aunt E. 

Ther.     FRIDAY 3     Wea.
Bad all day till five when saw B sitting in road by J's. A.P.A. asked me to go in and hear new records. Lovely short. [[?]] but working. [[?]] came

Ther.     SATURDAY 4     Wea.
H & I in cloister when Hadd behaved like fiend. Hadd

Ther. Sun. Aug. 5, 1906. Wea.
gave up going ti [[?el]].jul liheures s. circuit. bad. heada did lid to. ciarbue clay.

Ther.  Monday 6.    Wea.
Aunt E. about same.  [[?]] went all day doing chores.  Working nice. Etta dined at [[?]] At lel a Pa for Wivait aside? so in couto.

There. Tuesday 7 Wea. 
 Gia [[crossed-out]] [[?]] [[/crossed-out]] Vera. Aunt E better H. wish Viera question. lara. Will liars or ... Occupy loves live. A dozed off as we count in.

Transcription Notes:
unsure if everything right unsure if crossed out is supposed to be for the two words or just one